The BCV Art Collection invites Natacha Donzé, Gina Proenza, Jean-Luc Manz, and Denis Savary
For the second exhibition featuring the BCV Art Collection in MCBA’s special Espace Projet gallery, four artists are showing new installations and other pieces in a play of correspondences and dialogue around their respective practices
The exhibition Mirage aims to get as close to contemporary art practices as possible, taking a chance on a commission that involves four different artists. This is a first for the BCV Art Collection as it ventures into a new format. The works of art invite us on a voyage between utopia and reality, be it in reworking and transforming the venue itself, or in the process of elaborating the project, conceived in a collective and critical way. Within a generative matrix of space and time, the paintings, drawings, sculptures, and installations of the four commissioned artists, Natacha Donzé, Gina Proenza, Jean-Luc Manz and Denis Savary, definitely have an intrinsic and individual existence. Yet when they are brought together, these artworks give off a singular vision thanks to the temporary effect they create by being put on display. Like a mirage that each viewer contemplates and interprets beyond the mere optical phenomenon, the pieces generate a kind of joyful gap or crack that encourages the coming together of art and its viewers.
Exhibition curator: Catherine Othenin-Girard, curator of the BCV Art Collection
Exhibition guide