Sarah Margnetti. Supportive Structures. Manor Vaud Culture Prize 2022

Sarah Margnetti. Supportive Structures
Manor Art Prize 2022 Vaud


For her solo show in the Espace Projet gallery, Sarah Margnetti will exhibit a large selection of recent works, as well as wall paintings that will be done on site.

A master of the trompe-l’oeil technique, Sarah Margnetti has developed a pictorial style that combines optical illusions with abstract forms. Used in monumental wall paintings and occasionally on canvases, her motifs depict fragments of bodies, most often female ones, whose function is redirected or reappropriated (an ear becomes a body, a body a brain, and so on), or they are worked out in multiple variations. They loom up from or melt into architectural or interior decorative elements borrowed from the world of the stage (curtains, balustrades, seats, etc.).

Among the sensory organs, the ear is a motif that crops up over and over. It vanishes into the knots in the wood of a trompe-l’oeil décor, or extends the decorative scheme of a fireplace, morphs into an artist’s palette, or replaces the eyes in a face. The artist’s practice seems then to point up listening rather than language or vision, playing off and with, mining and undermining, the traditional motifs littering the history of art, especially that of the female body.

Curator of the exhibition: Nicole Schweizer, curator of contemporary art


Sarah Margnetti holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Arts from the École cantonale d’art of Lausanne / ECAL (2005-2009) and a Master’s in Visual Arts HES-SO, Work.Master from the Geneva University of Art and Design / HEAD (2013 – 2015). She also completed a practical training course at the Institut Van der Kelen-Logelain in Brussels, one of the first schools devoted to the study of decorative painting.

The Manor Art Prize Vaud

Created in 1982 to promote young Swiss talent, the Manor Art Prize Vaud is awarded every two years by a jury – for the Manor Art Prize Vaud, the artists are selected from a short list drawn up by MCBA. Coming at a key moment in the career of emerging artists, the prize makes it possible to offer winners a decisive show of support for their work. It is in this way that the Manor Art Prize Vaud helps to foster and promote the regional contemporary art scene in the Canton of Vaud.

The jury of the Manor Art Prize 2022 Vaud

Aloïs Godinat, artist, Lausanne; Claire Hoffmann, curator, Centre culturel suisse, Paris; Elise Lammer, freelance curator, Basel; Pierre André Maus, Maus Frères SA; Chantal Prod’Hom, director of mudac – Musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains, Lausanne


Sarah Margnetti

Nicole Schweizer (ed.), with a text by Camilla Paolino
Copublication, Musée cantonal des Beaux‑Arts of Lausanne and art&fiction publications, Lausanne, 2022 (Fr./Eng.).


CHF 35.-
