The CAYC Group. Buenos Aires – Lausanne

The CAYC Group. Buenos Aires - Lausanne


In the 1970s and 1980s, two highly productive art world figures agreed to set up art exchanges between Lausanne and Buenos Aires. They were René Berger, the director of MCBA, and Jorge Glusberg, the director of CAYC (Centro de Arte y Comunicación).

Close to the local art scenes, these two men shared a common wish to spread the word about the artists of their regions well beyond the borders of their respective continents. They exchanged several projects in this regard, mounting traveling exhibitions that featured works by artists they supported. The show explores this unheralded episode of MCBA history, bringing together the works of Swiss artists that were exhibited in Buenos Aires, and the opposite, works by Latin American artists that were shown at MCBA at a time when these two art scenes remained on the fringe of international recognition. Centered on video and formal experiments in particular, the Swiss chapter of this double show will highlight works by Silvie and Chérif Defraoui, Juan Martinez, and Jean Otth amongst others. On the Latin American side of the event, the art is more directed towards socio-cultural critiques with installations by Jacques Bedel, Jorge González Mir, Luis Benedit, Vicente Marotta, and Víctor Grippo.

Exhibition guide


Groupe CAYC. Buenos Aires – Lausanne

Camille de Alencastro and Elisabeth Jobin, Groupe CAYC. Buenos Aires – Lausanne (FR), 48 p., 43 ill., Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, 2023 (coll. Espace Focus, no 10)

CHF 8.-
