Kids and families

Visits for every age group

Kids are welcome at MCBA. The museum is delighted to help children take their first steps in the world of art.

Families, groups, and classes are all invited to come and explore our exhibitions.
We have something for everyone!

Various ways are available!

Discovery booklets

The discovery booklet is full of games and activities for kids to develop their observation skills and imagination and get them drawing!

From age 7
Available free of charge from the front desk

Download the discovery booklet “The collection” (fr)

Art workshops

On the second Saturday of every month, come and join an art workshop exploring a theme inspired by the current exhibition. Kids will enjoy an afternoon of painting, drawing, model-making, collage, dance or theatre and discover a new technique or approach to art history in each workshop.

Workshops are held on the first Saturday of every month and during the school holidays as part of the Pakomuzé and Passeport vacances programmes.

In French
The workshops are designed for specific age groups.
CHF 15.-, advance booking required

Consult the agenda and sign in

Family tours

On the second Sunday of every month, families are invited to visit the museum and then talk about art over an afternoon snack with one of the museum’s outreach experts. Come and fill your sketchpad, listen to a story in the exhibition space, or join in an art workshop.

In French
From age 7

Advance booking required
Free of charge for children, free with the purchase of an entrance ticket for adults.

Consult the agenda and sign in

Books for children (in French)

Ça bouge au musée !

This book encourages toddlers to develop their sense of touch and fine motor skills by using their fingers to follow a line through works in the collection from the 19th to the 21st century.
Public: up to 2 years

Gisèle Comte, fr., 20 p., 14 colour illustrations, 16 x 16 cm
Co-publication: Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne / La Joie de lire, Geneva

CHF 14.-


Regarde, elles parlent !
15 œuvres du musée te racontent leur histoire

Ces récits présentent quinze œuvres de la collection du MCBA, de François Dubois à Kader Attia, à l’appui de leurs reproductions et d’illustrations inédites de Fausto Gilberti.
Public : dès 8 ans

Gisèle Comte, Sandrine Moeschler, Laurence Schmidlin et Deborah Strebel

(fr.), 92 p., 15 ill. en couleurs et 15 ill. originales de Fausto Gilberti, 15 x 21 cm

Coédition : Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne / La Joie de lire, Genève

ISBN : 978-2-88908-489-0

CHF 19,90.-


Photos: MCBA, Nora Rupp