
A historic moment
MCBA is vacating the Palais de Rumine, its home since 1904. And so the team is setting about combining all the main functions – acquisition, conservation, presentation and visitor services – with the marvellous potential provided by made-to-measure premises and a truly remarkable site.
Exploring new possibilities while retaining the essential
Very much aware both of its duties and the public’s expectations, MCBA is devoting the coming months to writing a new page of its history.
Each and every profession is involved
As of now every section of the staff is involved in the great MCBA transformation.
- The various specialists are preparing the transport of the collection’s 11,000-odd works of art to new storage facilities, together with the library and the archives. Preventive conservation and photographic and academic documentation operations are already underway, as is the fitting-out of the new library. Meanwhile exhibitions and their related publications are in preparation for the two big exhibition areas – one for permanent display of the collection, the other for temporary exhibitions – and for the special “Spotlight on the Collection” and “Contemporary Art Projects” spaces.
- The move will be accompanied by a visual transformation: the communication team is working on a new visual identity and planning digital innovations for the collection and museum activities, in particular via a new website and a higher profile on the social networks.
- The museum administration is coordinating the logistics of the move in terms of both property and human resources and overseeing the structural and organisational changes within the institution: new hirings, training of personnel and development of new management tools will ensure the museum’s smooth functioning in its new home.
- Seen as the cornerstone of the future museum, visitor services are going to be expanded. The cultural liaison section is rethinking its approach to assistance for visitors and imparting knowledge: new forms of welcome, updated educational equipment and methods, and a whole new range of events adapted to individual needs and wishes.