Nastasia Meyrat

Audio script

What Is It Like to Be What You Are Not?, 2023

Are you working too much?
My contention is that people our age have a problematic relationship to this issue.

There’s always something happening. Something bad. They are trying to picture normalcy, even if normalcy is dysfunctional…

What is abstraction? In a way, freedom; doing what’s often described as a waste of time, something negative, unproductive.

They know that people would like something that stupid. It’s one high concept!
They are no different than you, no better than you, they are no genius that cut off their ear! But they don’t have the strength to make a fool of themselves and to be professional fools. Some are not ready to be fools, they just want to be hipsters, they want to be better than other people. And that, to me is even worst to the old idea of being the outsider, being tragic, and all that crap. It’s almost like they want to be fucking rock stars, they wanna be better!

Art makes you aware of the problems you have!
It’s a star-system.

Modern monsters might help mediate on alienation in an era of immaterial capitalism.
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

The essential thing is to bear always in mind that trouble can appear at any time.
Be aware. Be ready. Be alert. Thanks!

They are being trained to be market-oriented neo-pop artist. Them, the best, the better! If you want to be a successful artist, do something that looks like Warhol or with a spin on it, a fake subculture version of it. A mass culture of a youth culture fake subculture. So that boring people can have that for their own repressed pleasure. You the best!

I am a grand pessimist! A pessimist doesn’t believe in the bullshit but hopes it stops. I have dreams, but do not like the world. It reveals how sentimental I am. They want to live in the hegemonic fantasy world of dominance.

Not me! Protect me from what I want!!
No thanks!

People have an immediate empathic guilt for it. But they bypass the guilt and go towards nostalgia. Which to me is the repression of guilt. Nostalgia is the repression of guilt. Because nostalgia is about a past that never existed. It’s not about a true happy past.

What would a politics of gift giving be like? If you behaved nicely, the communists wouldn’t exist…

Are you working too much?

There’s a resemblance between the star-system and gambling, right? Gambling is about you having power and developing a strong will and from that strong will you develop strategies to overcome chance. It’s a game, and it’s taking a story to use it to talk about other things.

And games are both a cool distraction and a way to get to know about rules, how and when to fellow them… How and when to break them. The broken rule is about learning…

The interest is in “how do you learn what things are?” And the very final thing is a question that says, “if everybody does it will it become a real rule or not?” Am I assimilated to this social group or am I staying isolated from them? So, it’s about trying really hard to be assimilated and then breaking off!

There’s a moment when they start to differentiate when an action is reversible and non-reversible. Their memory is formed: we imitate we break up! It’s like unmemorized memory.

Game has a lot of attributes that narrative has, such as identification, goal-oriented tasks, conflict, outcomes, and rules: Spit all over someone with a mouthful of milk if you want to find out something about their personality fast.

It’s not just that you might get mugged. It’s more for confidence. It’s the way you hold yourself when you walk into a room. Every step you take is more sure and you’re much more aware of your surroundings.

What is it like to be what you are not? It’s a game where rules constantly change. If you leave the world of physical expansion and you move into this world of abstraction or monetary abstraction, the myth of expansion and success is just furthered, and the game continues until something happens to make it stop.

I don’t even call it violence when it’s in self-defense; I call it intelligence! It’s where the energy comes from. Why words now?

Do you work under pressure?
What have you succeeded?
Are you working too much?

Not forever then, to be a star and shine. They ‘ll laugh at you one day!
I’m actually afraid of the one who lies or the one who laughs too little…
It’s either you haven’t learned anything, or you have a problem.
Being a popstar never lasts!

Beauty isn’t a sign of intelligence… Just get it done!
But I don’t want to be smart, because being smart makes you depressed.
I’d rather dream…

Dreams are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their speech is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceptive; and everything hides another.

It’s a series of games that change on the players, and the myth of being excellent with what you do is just a myth and there’s really no reason to believe in it.

I don’t feel sorry. They are not forever to be stars and to shine.

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