Press archive

Information and press images

Florence Dizdari
Media and communication coordinator
+41 79 232 40 06

Train Zug Treno Tren. Voyages imaginaires

Gustave Buchet. Charged with Painting

Marie Cool Fabio Balducci. Dai campi all’elica

Résister, encore

Aloïse Corbaz. La folie papivore

Francis Alÿs. As Long as I’m Walking

Unique et multiple. Œuvres récentes de la collection d’art BCV

Relics and monuments. Works by Christian Boltanski

Jean Otth. Spaces of Projection

Jardin d'Hiver #1. Comment peut-on être (du village d'à côté) persan (martien)?

Sandrine Pelletier. The Crystal Jaw Prix Gustave Buchet 2021

René Bauermeister. California Dreaming

Maurice Denis. Amour

Matières en lumière. Sculptures de Rodin à Louise Bourgeois

The 2021 exhibitions program

Anne Rochat. In Corpore Prix culturel Manor Vaud 2020

Giovanni Giacometti. Watercolors

Kiki Smith. Hearing You with My Eyes

Jorge Macchi. The Submerged Cathedral

Das MCBA ab 2. Juni mit vollem Programm
"Wien 1900" verlängert bis August


Das Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne öffnet in zwei Phasen ab 12. Mai

The Collection

Taus Makhacheva. 4’224,92 cm2 de Degas

Under the Skin. Vienna 1900, from Klimt to Schiele and Kokoschka

Three months after the inauguration:
positive results and exhibition program

Grand opening