
Naissance et vie des formes. Dessins contemporains de la collection

Laurence Schmidlin (éd), édition MCBA, 2022. Coll. Espace Focus, n° 6, fr./eng., 32 p., 54 ill.

CHF 5.-


Aloïse Corbaz. La folie papivore

Essay by Catherine Lepdor, MCBA edition, Lausanne, 2021, Espace Focus series, no. 5, fr., 32 p.

CHF 5.–


Francis Alÿs. As Long as I’m Walking

Nicole Schweizer (ed.) With texts by Julia Bryan-Wilson, Luis Pérez-Oramas, and Judith Rodenbeck, and an introduction by Nicole Schweizer.Co-ed. Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts of Lausanne and JRP Editions, Geneva, 2021, fr./en., 160 p., 277 ill.

CHF 50.-


Reliques et monuments. Œuvres de Christian Boltanski

With essays by Bernard Fibicher, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, 2021. Coll. Espace Focus, no 3, fr., 48 p., 30 ill.

CHF 8.–


Sandrine Pelletier. The Crystal Jaw

Laurence Schmidlin (ed.), with essays by Laurence Schmidlin and Marion Zilio. Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, 2021. Coll. Espace Projet, no 3., fr./en., 32 p., c. 45 ill.

CHF 5.-


Comment peut-on être (du village d’à côté) persan (martien) ?

Jill Gasparina (ed.) With texts by Jill Gasparina and Olivier Vadrot, and a collection of notes written by the featured artists on the question of scene, landscape, group practices and those of the visual arts economy. Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, 2021. Coll. Jardin d’Hiver, n. 1, fr., 32 p., 1 ill.

CHF 5.–


Maurice Denis. Amour

Catherine Lepdor and Isabelle Cahn (ed.), with contributions by Guillaume Ambroise, Jean-Paul Bouillon, Isabelle Cahn, Claire Denis, Catherine Lepdor, Pierre Pinchon, and Fabienne Stahl, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne and Éditions Hazan, Paris, 2021, fr., 192 p.

CHF 52.60


Anne Rochat. In Corpore

Nicole Schweizer (ed.), Anne Rochat. In Corpore, with contributions by Olivier Kaeser and Jean Rochat. Jointly publ. by Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne and art&fiction publications, Lausanne, 2020, fr./eng., 144 p., 95 ill.

CHF 35.-


Giovanni Giacometti. Aquarelles

With texts by Camille de Alencastro and Camille Lévêque-Claudet, Lausanne, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, 2020. Coll. Espace Focus, No. 2, fr., 64p., 76 ill.

CHF 8.-


Kiki Smith. Hearing You with My Eyes

Laurence Schmidlin (dir.), with essays by Amelia Jones, Lisa Le Feuvre et Laurence Schmidlin. A coedition by the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne & Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich, 2020, fr./en., 192 p., 126 ill.

CHF 39.-
