Tour app
Digital exhibition guide: different approaches to choose from
The app supports you in discovering the MCBA art’s collection
One guiding principle, respect the experience of the individual in front of the original work of art. And a decision, stress audio content to push visitors to keep their eyes fixed on the art!
- Artworks’ commentaries (text and audio versions)
- Artists’ and specialists’ interviews
- Additional pictures allow a better understanding of a selection of 40 exhibited artworks
Available free of charge in FR / EN / DE
Headphones and/or iPad loan
Upon request, headphones and/or an iPad are provided at the desk.
Please note that a valid ID card or passport must be shown in order to borrow the devices.
They contributed to the making of the tour app:
Production: MCBA
Conception et développement appli: SmArtapps
Gestion éditoriale et conception des contenus: MCBA
Enregistrement audio, sous-titrage vidéos: Alain Laesslé Concept
Conception vidéos: Yann Bétant
Voix FR: Emilie Charriot / voix EN: Joséphine Struba / voix DE: Cléa Eden
Traductions et interprétation LSF: Noha El Sadawy / interprétariat LSF: Evelyne Rigot, Procom, Service d’interprètes
Traductions texte: Susan Pickford, Hubertus Von Gemmingen
Remerciements à:
Katharina Ammann, Dominique Dirlewanger, Elizabeth Fischer, Alain Huck, Paul-André Jaccard, Philippe Kaenel, Olivier Kaeser, Olivier Mosset, Katia Poletti, Claudia Renna, Sofia Sanfelice
Eva Kunz, Fédération Suisse des Sourds
Nicole Grieve, Pro Infirmis
Les testeuses et testeurs: Marck Bergdolt, Françoise Burri, Frank Ducotterd-Waeber, Eno Ducotterd-Waeber, Valentin Grosjean, Florence Ineichen, Sandy Joseph, Michael Scheuplin, Aline Stalder